Tis’ the season to start your shopping. we are T-minus 8 weeks until christmas. That’s right, 2016 is almost over! In an effort to help you check a few shopping boxes for those on your list that love to camp, here is a nugget we found to share with you. So check it out and get your wallet out. Your welcome.
“With so much amazing and innovative outdoor gear on the market, choosing gifts for campers can be a tricky business. Most campers love gear, so at least you’re guaranteed to be barking up the right tree by getting them something to fuel their camping habit. But with that also comes the fact that there is a large set of gear they will already have. Assume that they already own a cosy sleeping bag, a bunch of cool tents, an insulating sleeping pad and a number of different backpacks for varying outdoor scenarios. And that’s only the bare minimum. So you’ll need to think a little outside of their extensive gear stash. Go for cool gadgets and more unique camping gifts that aren’t essentials but will definitely be appreciated, loved and well used by anyone who spends time camping.” –Cool of the Wild

TemboTusk Wine Tote
For campers with a penchant for the occasional fireside tipple, this really is the perfect gift. Forget about risking buying a wine that may not be to their tastes, instead go for the soft-sided, and highly robust design of the TemboTusk wine tote. The attached carabiner makes it easy to carry to wherever your campfire drinking may take you, and the metal shot glass provides an exceptionally handy way to enjoy the contents, in moderation of course.

Seamless & Steadfast Enamel Gift Set
If you’re going down the enamel camping crockery route then you really want those bowls, plates and mugs to last a lifetime of happy camping meals. Best Made Co have cut no corners in producing this sturdy, highly durable and perfectly rounded gift set. With a reinforced double dipped enamel rim, there is a weighty quality to the Seamless and Steadfast steel collection, and with a timelessly classic design you won’t be needing to upgrade any time soon. To top it off, the set comes packed in a box with wood wool and tied up with a red wax string. An all round aesthetically awesome addition to the camping dinner table.

FlameStower Portable USB Camping Charger
The FlameStower is a real game changer for wilderness explorers and backcountry campers. Keeping electronic devices going allows for much greater levels of flexible exploration and the ability to seek help in emergency situations. And with the simplicity of this lightweight portable USB charger what could go wrong? Just pop the blade in the flames of your fire or stove and let the thermal energy cleverly transfer into an electrical charge for your device. One minute of charge creates two minutes of talk time, leaving you and your devices filled with energy to keep charging hard from start to finish.